April 20, 2012

Skeletor's cape...

Skeletor confronting Randor at Evergreen Forest in "The Beginning"...

Skeletor fighting He-Man on the Drawbridge of Grayskull for the first time in "Lessons"...

Skeletor overpowering heroes with his dastardly plan in "The Council of Evil"...
When I think about those pivotal moments, I see Skeletor wearing his cape. The cape was a great addition to certain episodes for Skeletor to wear. Adding a bit of mystery, regal and overall awesomeness as far as I look at it.

The cape rocks - and I'm glad it wasn't overused in the Mike Young Productions cartoon.


  1. I like the cape when he or others would wear them in times of discussion, but not battle. I always thought the cape would get in the way during battle, which of course leads to the classic "tattered capes" that we always see.
